Newly Enlightened
JoinedPosts by Newly Enlightened
This is my first post
by Make Lemonade ini wanted to express appreciation to the members of this forum.
there are resources here that are deep.
like we heard from the stage, "what is your depth and breadth of bible knowledge?
Prescott Arizona
by ducatijoe ini was an elder in prescott for many years... anyone now out from there?
Newly Enlightened
Big mole on his lip. We used to call him Fruggins. He moved over to Cottonwood, had an affair with a hot sister, her husband found out and who was not a JW, tried to stab him.
Prescott Arizona
by ducatijoe ini was an elder in prescott for many years... anyone now out from there?
Newly Enlightened
UNinformed: Are you trying to remember Freddy Huggins?
Prescott Arizona
by ducatijoe ini was an elder in prescott for many years... anyone now out from there?
Newly Enlightened
Hi Everyone,
First I would like to calm everyone's questions and fears. Maybe the reason DucatiJoe didn't respond to post for a day or 2, was because he now has his dream job and travels all over the world.
After 2 conversations with Joe on the phone and hours of reminiscing about all the drama in our 2 congregations. Yes, this is the same guy we've known since the early 80's.
He is ok guys.... and he has no interest in 'OUTTING" anyone. But if he ever decides to start talking and exposing WT & The elders in Prescott, look out they would be done!
Joe felt so bad that everyone thought he was a spy that he tried to get his post deleted, but couldn't.
So now, let's welcome him please.
WELCOME JOE!!! Love you too brother!
Prescott Arizona
by ducatijoe ini was an elder in prescott for many years... anyone now out from there?
Newly Enlightened
Prescott is my hometown. I then moved to Cottonwood in 1979. I know several of the long-time families & elders from that entire area. It doesn't matter if I give out info about who or what I know, what are they going to do DF me?
WELCOME DucatiJoe.
Let me guess, you got tired of Elder Burnside's BS?
by The Searcher intowards the end of last year, the witnesses in scotland had their own assembly hall opened in the town of livingston, near edinburgh the capital.. this was achieved no doubt by blood, sweat, and tears by many over a very long period - as well as by donations of witnesses from all over scotland and its islands, not forgetting the levy per publisher imposed on all the congregations in the guise of "donations"!.
was the org grateful for the sacrifices which were made to bring a great "shout of praise" to whoever?
Newly Enlightened
Thanks for the link. Great catch.
Newly Enlightened
Here is a general warning dear friends... since this is a VERY specific topic and some are asking very specific questions please be careful, someone from AZ just warned us that there could be some elder MOLES from that area trolling on here looking for information and to 'out' ones.
pixtjw: We don't know ALL of the elders in the Verde Valley cong. since it's been a few years and we were in the other cong. [MT Shadows]
Are you trolling on here Elders? I can give you some info that will make you sick. What about the woman & child abuser the Mt Shadows cong. is protecting?
Stay tuned, because we just found out some more shit these elders have done.
We just found out about a second property and as soon as I get that info from the Assessors office, that's coming out too!!
Have a great week Elders!!
by The Searcher inhow much did your congregation and its bank account get taken for?
share your horror story!.
Newly Enlightened
WOW! I guess my generous estimate was way too low. I said the average would be around $350 per month. thank you for sharing.
very interesting.
Newly Enlightened
Thank you Jgnat: just filed a complaint with the AZ Attorney General's office.
The resolution was actually passed!
by stillin inwho would have thought that enough people would raise their hands when the resolution was put before the congregation tonight?
based on the pledges that the publishers put on those little pieces of paper, the congregation is promising the wts that they will send $1,000/month to support the society's building funds.. there is a traditional monthly shortfall of about $100 with the basic monthly bills usually around $1,000.
i didn't raise my hand.
Newly Enlightened
WOW! and of course if that amount isn't met by donations I'm sure there will talks on how we need to let our vow to Jehovah stand and our yes mean yes